Friday, January 30, 2009

To Highlands and back again

Sorry dad, but this time I flew solo--or not solo exactly, but w/o my 'wingman'. Earlier this week, Mc (Megan) expressed interest in visiting Highlands, NC--which before this afternoon, she had never seen. I would like to be able to say that taking the bike was my idea, but she included that in her pitch when she asked me if we could go soon. So, since I have no Friday classes this semester, we decided (quite spontaneously) that we would head to Highlands for the day. I doubt that she knew what she was getting into though--and neither did I! We found out one corner at a time that highway 28 from Walhalla, SC to Highlands is one of the twistiest, curviest (banked curves for your pleasure!) funnest roads that mankind has ever constructed. I mean, we're talking those '15mph'-sign curves that you can literally feel the G-force while whipping around them. Mc even shared in my first 'foot-peg scrape'--which apparently in the motorcycle world lets ya know that you're a bad-A, haha...or at the very least tells you that you've maxed out the leanage on your bike. It gave me chills. I let out a huge squeal...or grunt, yes a grunt...Mc didn't even notice what had taken-place. God gave us a b-e-a-utiful day to enjoy the scenery as well. The only draw-back was that it was 30 degrees--which means that no matter how good your gear is, your feet, hands and knees WILL get frost-bitten and fall-off! So, by the time we reached Highlands Mc and I were ready to sit down in a warm cafe for a cup 'a joe--and Mc fairly dashed from the bike to the door! After coffee and key-lime pie, we spent the afternoon walking around and window-shopping at the 'cutest' stores. After one more cup of coffee and a bearclaw (we felt the need to patronize since we left all of our gear in their cafe while we walked around) we headed out via hwy 64 towards Brevard. We took hwy 281, which turns into hwy 130 which crosses hwy 11 and eventually brings you past lake keowee and into the back side of Clemson. And even though all of this may not seem very pertinent to 'Mike and Alan's big trip' I thought it worth-while to share, on account of I put about 3 more hours and 130 more miles of riding under my belt!! Nothin' like a good day in God's creation with your girl behind ya!

Signing-out for now--Mike


  1. (: Great Day Date!!! It's about 5 hours since we've returned & I can finally feel my fingers, knees, and toes again! I loved loved loved Highlands and since Mike wouldn't leave me there (though I begged) I did make him promise to take me back! Thanks Mikey!

  2. Next time ya'll decide to make the trek on the bike, Give Amanda and me a shout, and maybe we can make the ride up, too! (though you better wait for it to get a little bit warmer first).
